Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Finished Projects 4: Rag Books

Quite a few years ago, mum took me to a factory somewhere near Manchester, where they print and make items such as teatowels and scarves etc. In the bargain bin, I pulled out a length of cloth that had 4 Dean's Rag Books images on it, although some of the images had blotches of printing ink where it had all gone a bit wrong, which is why it was in the bin...

Having spent all of about 50p on this length of cloth I vaguely thought that one day I'd make it up into books. But never did. Until yesterday when I pulled it out, and made up the two Rag Books that were perfectly printed, and made 4 little bags out of the remaining 12 'pages' for the other 2 books - leaving 4 pages unuseable as ruined by blotches.

I'm not convinced I worked out the openings for the pull ribbon particularly well, and one of the books couldn't be pinking sheared as it would have destroyed the title, but all in all, I'm quite pleased.

Not sure what I'm going to do with them though, maybe give to friends, or put into an Operation Christmas Child shoebox? I was thinking that maybe the little bags could be used as cases for chalks or wax crayons.... So they'll be put away until the Autumn when I decide what to do with them.

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